

Words can paint a picture

I have been writing for many years.

There is a monthly thought piece on shipping and logistics that is published in the Tasmanian Business Reporter and can be read online through my Linked In profile.

I have recently begun writing in depth on subjects that I have an interest in - visiting locations and processes and articulating these experiences in articles that have been published in Tasmania 40 South magazine as well as online through Medium. This also allows for me to create with photography as well.

“Fit for Israeli Paratroopers” is a story of an experience in Papua New Guinea. “Leatherwood” is an exploration of Leatherwood honey and bees. “Kelp” is a story fo bull kelp on the west coast of Tasmania. “Wallet” is a story of finding a wallet in an antique store and returning it to the son of the original owner - these can all be viewed by clicking the following link - Medium